Each PhD student in the Research Training Group (RTG) will have two supervisors. Therefore the students and the professors will sign an individual supervision agreement (‚Betreuungsvereinbarung').
The study programme has been designed in such a way that it creates a high degree of cohesion and corporate spirit within the RTG and that it helps to widen the scientific horizon of its members beyond the topic of frequency effects. We follow the motto: professionally structured, but not like in school. The curriculum comprises mainly the first two years. The third year can and should be exclusively devoted to writing up the PhD thesis.
The RTG aims at a strong integration of the students into the teaching and studying. Therefore, a number of innovative ways of studying is adopted, including: structured debates/controversies, self-organised workshops, master tutorials, autonomous data sessions, and small discussion groups.
To create a family friendly atmosphere, the RTG offers a broad range of family services.