Daniel Müller-Feldmeth (publiziert)

October 1999 - June 2008: Master of Arts (Magister Artium) in Philosophy, Sociology und Cognitive Science in Freiburg.
October 2003 - September 2007: Student assistant Cognitive Science department.
Jul 2008 - August 2009: Research assistant in the project ELoC: Empirical Analysis of local coherence effects in sentence processing
October 2009 bis September 2012: PhD Scholarship GRK 1624 "frequency effects in language"
Since October 2012: Research assistant in the project "PopSci - Understanding Science", funded by the Volkswagen foundation.

Selected publications:

Daniel Müller-Feldmeth and Lars Konieczny (2013). Frequenzeffekte in der Satzverarbeitung. Wie Erfahrung den Erwerb und die Verarbeitung von Sprache beeinflusst. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, 43(169) 97-121.

Sarah Schwarzkopf, Helmut Weldle, Daniel Müller, & Lars Konieczny (2011). Mental simulation of spatial perspective during sentence comprehension. In Carlson, L., Hölscher, C. & Shipley, T., editors, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pages 937-942, Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.

Lars Konieczny and Daniel Müller (2010). Das sprachliche Arbeitsgedächtnis: Kapazität oder Erfahrung? Psychologische Rundschau, 61(1) 43-50.

Lars Konieczny, Helmut Weldle, Sascha Wolfer, Daniel Müller, & Peter Baumann (2010). Anaphora and local coherences. In Ohlsson, S. & Catrambone, R., editors, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pages 1204-1209, Austin, TX. Cognitive Science Society.

Helmut Weldle, Lars Konieczny, Daniel Müller, Sascha Wolfer & Peter Baumann (2009). Connectionist modelling of Situated Language Processing: Language and meaning acquisition from an embodiment perspective. In Taatgen, N. and van Rijn, H., editors, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pages 827-832, Austin, TX. Cognitive Science Society.

Wibke Hachmann, Lars Konieczny, & Daniel Müller (2009). Individual Differences in the Processing of Complex Sentences. In Taatgen, N. and van Rijn, H., editors, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pages 827-832, Austin, TX. Cognitive Science Society.

Lars Konieczny, Daniel Müller & Nicolas Ruh (2009). What's in an error? A closer look at SRNs processing relative clauses. In Howes, A., Peebles, D. & Cooper, R. P., editors, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, pages 300-305, Manchester, UK.