Workshop „Exemplar-based Modeling in Phonology“

Dozent(en)Andrew Wedel
AnsprechpartnerPéter Rácz und Michael Schäfer,
Anmeldung per Email ist erforderlich.
Termin26-27 September 2011
OrtStarkenstr. 44, Seminarraum






Monday, 9/26/11

10-12 Keynote speaker: Andrew Wedel (University of Arizona)

Frequency effects in phonology at multiple levels of description: Sublexical versus lexical category frequency and the evolution of phonological contrast.


14-15.30 Márton Sóskuthy (University of Edinburgh)

Trouble in paradise: A critical look at frequency effects and lexical diffusion in Exemplar Theory.


16-17:30 Koen Sebregts (Meertens Institute, Amsterdam)

Dutch r-variation: potential and problems for exemplar modelling.



Tuesday, 9/27/11

10:30-12 Péter Rácz (University of Freiburg)

A cursory look at the behaviour of <v>, <j>, and <h> in Hungarian.


14-15:30 Michael Schäfer (University of Freiburg) 

Shadowing reduction as evidence for exemplars (or not).


Venue: Seminar room, Starkenstraße 44