Frequency Effects in Construction Grammar

Dozent(en)Adele Goldberg
AnsprechpartnerAnnette Fahrner
Anmeldung per Email ist erforderlich.
OrtGroßer Sitzungssaal der Fakultäten, Werthmannstraße 8, RG





During the workshop “Frequency Effects in Construction Grammar” we will debate and discuss:
- in how far frequency should be integrated into the definition of a construction (in favour: Goldberg 2006, Ellis 2003) and how we can deal with critical voices rejecting this approach (Traugott/Trousdale 2013).
- in how far Construction Grammar can model and predict frequency effects of various kinds, e.g. in language production, perception and second language acquisition, etc.
- in how far cognitive, pragmatic and processing constraints should be taken into account as frequency thresholds.
The workshop will reflect the wide range of frequency effects and thus enrich the existing research on
usage-based Construction Grammar as well as contributing to a more precise notion of frequency effects.


Day 1: October 23rd, 2015

09.00 - 09.15 Welcome and introduction

09.15 - 10.15 Adele E. Goldberg (Princeton University): "Coverage: Statistics and function of constructions"

10.15 - 10.45 Coffee break

10.45 - 11.45 Martin Hilpert (University of Neuchâtel):
"Grammaticalization as change in a constructional network: Saliency, frequency, and the upward-strengthening hypothesis"

11.45 - 12.30 Discussion I

12.30 - 14.00 Lunch break: Mehlwaage

14.00 - 14.45 Annette Fahrner (University of Freiburg):
"Frequency effects in Second Language Acquisition: The acquisition of German constructions with the pronoun ‘es’"

14.45 - 15.30 Stephanie Horch (University of Freiburg):
"A Construction Grammar approach to frequency effects in conversion in Asian Englishes"

15.30 - 16.00 Coffee break

16.00 - 16.45 Elisabeth Zima (University of Freiburg):
"On frequency, entrenchment, and conventionality in Multimodal Construction Grammar"

16.45 - 17.30 Discussion II

17.30 - 18.30 Walking tour (optional)

18.30 Workshop dinner: Omas Küche


Day 2: October 24th, 2015 (not open to public)

Individual consultations with Adele E. Goldberg