Exploring language with transcranial magnetic stimulation

Dozent(en)Dr. Joseph T. Devlin
AnsprechpartnerImke Franzmeier
Anmeldung per Email ist erforderlich.
OrtStarkenstrasse 44, conference room, 1st floor

This workshop adresses methodological aspects of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and its application in language research. Joseph Devlin, our invited speaker, will present on the functioning of TMS and on TMS in neurolinguistic research on Monday, October 8th 2012. He will address the following questions:

1)      What is transcranial magnetic stimulation and how does it work?

2)      How can TMS be applied to neurolinguistic research and what research on TMS and language already exists?

Morning Session: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Joseph Devlin)


Introduction to TMS

Coffee Break


TMS safety, ethics, etc


Lunch Break

Afternoon Session: Talks on research projects


Imke Franzmeier: „Differential effects of LH stimulation on sentence processing?"

Kirsten Schmidt: "Effects of rTMS on the right and left MTG on sentence processing"


Coffee break

Leonor Romero "tba"

Joe Devlin "tba"




On Tuesday, October 9th 2012 Joseph Devlin is available for one-to-one conversations.

Joseph Devlin ( was trained in neuroimaging and TMS at Oxford and Cambridge. Now he is the principal investigator at the Cognitive, Perceptual and Brain Sciences at University College London (UCL). His main interests are language processes and how they relate to other cognitive, motor and sensory systems.

If you are interested to present your work on Monday and/or discuss your work and/or ideas with Joseph Devlin on Tuesday, please contact Imke Franzmeier. For registration and questions, also contact Imke Franzmeier at

The workshop will be held in English.