KollegiatInnen 4. Generation
Obere Reihe: Udo Rohe, Carmela Pietropaolo, Bella Diekmann
Untere Reihe: Pia Wiest, Sophia Wulfert

Miriam Burk
Psycholinguistic reality of constructions
Erstbetreuer | Prof. Dr. Lars Konieczny |
Zweitbetreuer | Prof. Dr. Martin Hilpert |
Abstract | Constructionist approaches always try to be as cognitive as possible. But on which stage are constructions stored in our brain and can they be proved to be real in a psycholinguistic way? The main difference of constructionist approaches to other linguistic models is the independence of their ... |

Laura Cuthbertson
Beyond Tense and Aspect: Temporal Conceptualisation in Present-Day Spoken English
Erstbetreuer | Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Christian Mair |
Zweitbetreuer | Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder |
Abstract | There exists a close cognitive relationship between space and time, evidenced in language by the often parallel surface structures of spatiotemporal constructions. The focus of this project is the cognitive coordinate system used to locate a target event (TE) relative to a reference point (RP) on ... |

Bella Diekmann
Word production in sentence context: An ECoG investigation
Erstbetreuer | Prof. Dr. Peter Auer |
Zweitbetreuer | Prof. Dr. Tonio Ball |
Abstract | Combining neuroscience and corpus based linguistics the project at hand investigates neural activity during naturalistic, spontaneous speech production. The analysis is based on a multimodal corpus of simultaneously recorded audio, video and electrocortigographic data that were recorded for ... |

Dennis Dressel
Collaborative Utterances
The Multimodal Production of Syntactic Co-Constructions in Collaborative Storytelling
Erstbetreuer | Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder |
Zweitbetreuer | Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Christian Mair |
Abstract | I investigate syntactic co-constructions in French and Spanish conversations. My research focus is twofold: on one hand, I am interested in recurrent syntactic and pragmatic formats that allow interactants to collaboratively produce utterances in real time. On the other hand, I am particularly ... |

Carmela Pietropaolo
The impact of morpho-syntactic constraints and frequency of use on the evolution of the subjunctive mood in Italian
Erstbetreuer | Prof. Dr. Rolf Kailuweit |
Zweitbetreuer | Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder |
Abstract | The subjunctive mood in Italian can be said to have undergone a structural reorganization which affects both the functions and the grammar of its usage. |

Udo Rohe
The Progressive in present-day spoken English: Real-time studies of its spread and functional diversification
Erstbetreuer | Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Christian Mair |
Zweitbetreuer | Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Bernd Kortmann |
Drittbetreuer | Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter Auer |
Abstract |

Sophia Wulfert
Frequency effects in the processing of German consonant clusters
Erstbetreuer | Prof. Dr. Peter Auer |
Zweitbetreuer | JunProf. Dr. Adriana Hanulikova |
Abstract | I investigate frequency effects in the processing of German syllable-initial consonant clusters. High-frequency clusters such as /ʃt-/ are compared to low-frequency clusters such as /tʃ-/ with regard to accuracy of perception and production. The objective of my research is to determine whether ... |