Assoziierte Kollegiaten 1. Generation

Florent Perek

Verbs, Constructions, Alternations: Usage-based perspectives on argument realization

ErstbetreuerPD Dr. Martin Hilpert
ZweitbetreuerProf. Dr. Maarten Lemmens (co-tutelle)

The general goal of my thesis was to investigate to what extent the grammar of verbs, also called argument realization, can be based on linguistic usage. The usage-based approach is a recent paradigm shift in linguistics which takes the view that grammar is a dynamic inventory of symbolic ...

Christoph Wolk

Integrating Aggregational and Probabilistic Approaches to Dialectology and Language Variation

ErstbetreuerDr. Benedikt Szmrecsanyi
ZweitbetreuerProf. Dr. Bernd Kortmann

In my dissertation project, I aim for an integration of two hitherto disjunct research methodologies: the aggregational approach to language variation as exemplified by dialectometry, and the probabilistic modeling of language variation and usage frequencies customarily utilized by, e.g., ...