Michael Schäfer (publiziert)

10/03 - 05/09 M.A. in Nordic Philology, German Linguistics and Political Science, University of Kiel
08/06 - 05/07 Exchange year at the University of Iceland, Reykjavík
09/09 - 08/12 PhD-student at Special Research Training Group "Frequency effects in language"
04/13 - 03/16 Coordinator RTG "Frequency effects in language"
02/16 - 03/17 Administrative Coordinator Bernstein Center Freiburg
since 04/17 Faculty manager, Faculty of Theology, University of Freiburg

(in preparation, with Kristján Árnason): A stress test for segmenthood. On the segmental status of preaspiration in Icelandic and Faroese.

(2015): Phonetische Reduktion von Adverbien im Isländischen. Eine Korpusstudie zur Rolle von Token-Frequenz, in: Pia Bergmann et al. (ed.): Sprache im Gebrauch: räumlich, zeitlich, interaktional
Festschrift für Peter Auer. Heidelberg: Winter.

(2014): Phonetic Reduction of Adverbs in Icelandic. On the Role of Frequency and Other Factors. Freiburg: NIHIN/Freidok (=Dissertation).

(2014, with Werner Schäfke): Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft für Skandinavistik-Studierende. Tübingen: Narr.

(2010): Review of Ralph W. Fasold & Jeff Connor-Linton: An Introduction to Language and Linguistics / Laurie Bauer: The Linguistics Student's Handbook, in: Zeitschrift für Rezension zur Germanistischen Linguistik 2/1, p.14-19.

(2009): Íslenska - atkvæða- eða orðatungumál?, 23.Rask-conference, Reykjavik

(2009): Icelandic Final Vowel Deletion in Spontaneous Speech, Third Scandinavian Ph.D. Conference in Linguistics and Philology, Bergen.

(2010): Rhythm and Reduction in Icelandic, 24th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, Joensuu.

(2010, with Arnamagnean Manuscript School Master Class 2008): Deep in the Stemma Woods - Editing Thorsteins saga Bæjarmagns. "Dreams of Fames and Honor. Medieval Icelandic Romances" Conference. Freiburg 1.10.2011

(2011): Samdráttarmyndir í íslensku, University of Iceland, 18.4.2011.

(2011): Measuring Phonetic Reduction in Icelandic. A corpus-based study. Invited guest lecture at Phon and Phon Colloquium, Poznan, 25.5.2011.

(2011): Constructional Prototypes and Morphosyntactic Change. On the loss of agreement with nominative objects in Icelandic, ICLaVE 6, Freiburg, 30.6.2011.

(2012, with Kristján Árnason): A stress test for segmenthood. On the segmental status of preaspiration in Icelandic and Faroese. 11th International Conference on Nordic and General Linguistics, Freiburg, 18.4.2012.

(2012) Shadowing adverb reduction in Icelandic. Phonetic, phonological or morphological reduction? 11th International Conference on Nordic and General Linguistics, Freiburg, 18.4.2012

(2010): Rhythm and Reduction in Icelandic, P & P 6, Frankfurt.

Workshops / Theme sessions:
(2011, with Péter Rácz): Workshop on Exemplar Theory in Phonology, University of Freiburg.
