Evghenia Goltsev (verteidigt)
- Since 10/2012: Doctoral student in Slavic Linguistics, Research Training Group "Frequency effects in language" DFG 1624, Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg
- 01/2012 - 09/2012: Research assistant, LiMA, University of Hamburg
- 09/2011: First State Examination (erstes Staatsexamen) in Teaching; Subjects: Education Science, Russian, History, University of Hamburg
- 04/2010-09/2011: Student assistant, LiMA, University of Hamburg
- 06/2009-01/2011: Student assistant, Department of applied linguistics
- 09/2007-03/2009: Tutorial Introduction into Linguistics, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
- 05/2008 - 09/2012: Teacher, Comprehensive School GSB, Hamburg
- 09/2008 - 01/2010: Teacher, Secondary School GOLD, Hamburg
- 10/2011 - 09/2012: Lectureship, Russian Grammar for Advanced Nonnative Learners; Advanced Training Course for Native Speakers of Russian: Reading and Writing, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Hamburg
-10/2013- 3/2014: Lectureship, Language Diversity in Germany and Russia and how it is perceived (Bachelor Level Course), University of Freiburg
-10/2014- 3/2015: Lectureship, Error analysis, Exercise Course, University of Education Freiburg.
-11/2014 Hands-on Introduction into Statistics with R
- Verbal categories in bilingual Russian acquisition, Polyslav, University of Zurich
- Bedeutung von Herkunftssprachen für den Lernerfolg im heterogenen Russischunterricht, 4. GMF-Bundeskongress (Lernerautonomie im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Kompetenzorientierung, Differenzierung und Handlungsorientierung), University of Duisburg-Essen
- Nekotorye aspekty integratsii russkikh migrantov v Gamburge, Russian within the family, University of Helsinki
- Reactions to Different Types and Frequencies of Errors in Non-native German. University of Freiburg (Workshop Organisation)
- DAF-Fehler russischsprachiger Lerner und ihre Bewertung seitens deutscher Muttersprachler. University of Freiburg
- Tipy i castotnosti oshibok i ikh vosprijatie. University of Prague
-Wahrnehmung unterschiedlicher Fehlertypen- und Frequenzen. Eine DaZ-Studie. University of Freiburg
- Perception and Judgment of Different Types and Frequencies of Errors in Non-native German. Poster an the 4th summer school on "Speech Production and Perception" Aix-en-Provence
- Aspect and Tense Errors in the Production and Perception of Bilinguals. University of Moskow
-"Das mag und verstehe ich nicht". Eine Studie zur Wahrnehmung und Bewertung von russischen DaZ-Fehlern und ihren Frequenzen. Guest lecture. University of Hamburg
- Methodological Aspects of the Error Perception Assessment. University of Freiburg (Workshop Organisation)
- Issledovanie vosprijatija oshibok. Metodika i predvaritel'nye rezul'taty. University of Freiburg
- Native Perception and Evaluation of Different Error Types and Frequencies. A Study of Non-native German.Poster. University of Tübingen