Olga Glanz
The neuronal correlates of syntactic and lexical processing in spontaneous speech production investigated using ECoG
Erstbetreuer | Prof. Dr. Peter Auer |
Zweitbetreuer | Prof. Dr. Tonio Ball |
Abstract | I am a doctoral student in general linguistics at the research training group GRK DFG 1624/1 "Frequency effects in language" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Peter Auer. I am interested in natural human behavior, and particularly in natural, spontaneously spoken language and its neuronal correlates. The focus of my research lies on syntactic and lexical processing reflected in ECoG during spontaneous speech production. |
Disziplin | Linguistics |
Forschungsrichtung | neurolinguistics, syntax, lexical processing, ECoG |
Schlüsselbegriffe | natural behavior, natural conversation, human electrophysiology |