Dennis Dressel
Collaborative Utterances
The Multimodal Production of Syntactic Co-Constructions in Collaborative Storytelling
Erstbetreuer | Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder |
Zweitbetreuer | Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Christian Mair |
Abstract | I investigate syntactic co-constructions in French and Spanish conversations. My research focus is twofold: on one hand, I am interested in recurrent syntactic and pragmatic formats that allow interactants to collaboratively produce utterances in real time. On the other hand, I am particularly curious about the fundamentally embodied nature of syntactic collaboration. |
Disziplin | Linguistik |
Sprachen | Französisch, Spanisch, Deutsch, Englisch |
Forschungsrichtung | Interaktionale Linguistik, Konversationsanalyse, Multimodale Analyse |
Schlüsselbegriffe | collaborative storytelling, co-construction, multimodality |